Ladder Safety   

     The magic formula for ladder safety is one in four. This means that for every four feet of height you are going up, the base of the ladder should be one foot away from the wall the ladder is resting on. This angle will ensure you have a ladder that is not too steep to climb, but is still straight enough that it won't bow in the middle when there is weight on it.

How High Can You Go on a Aluminum Ladder?

     All Aluminum ladders have a maximum working height that is less than their length. The following is a table of Extendable ladder lengths and their theoretical maximum working height:                                                                                                                       

     In reality the maximum height that a Climb ladder can safely reach is reduced by the angle at which the xtend and climb ladder must be set up. Be sure your extendable ladder is long enough to safely reach the height you need with a minimum of 3 feet extending over the roofline or past the working height. Also remember the top three rungs of a straight, single or extension ladder should never be stood on.

Rating Ladders

 Safty Certificate issuer for Telescopic ladder , Portable Ladders , Loft access ladder , step ladder , Frame ladder , Decorating ladders , Telestep / Tele step , Aluminium ladder, cheap ladders , Bargain ladders , xtend ladder & Climb ladder, building ladder laboures ladder or labourers ladders

     Yes, Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) tests and certifies ladders. Be sure that any type (Telescopic ladders , Portable Ladder , Loft access ladders , step ladders , Frame ladders , Decorating ladder , Telesteps / Tele steps , Aluminums ladders, cheap ladder , Bargain ladder , xtend & Climb ladders, building ladders , labors ladders or laborers ladder ) you use has the UL seal as your assurance that your ladder has been tested and is safe.

How to choose a Ladder?

    In addition, ladders are rated based on their ability to provide support for a load (that's the weight of the climber plus any load being carried). Most ladders sold for household use are Type III light duty. You should make your ladder choice based on your planned usage.

Ladder Fundamental

Probably the most important ladder fundamental you need to keep in mind is this: 

     If you are uncomfortable about doing something, don't do it. Stay safe; hire a professional who knows what they are doing. Don't let yourself become one of those statistics. 

     Last year 13 workers died from falls while working on a ladder, and more than 1200 suffered major injuries. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) announced a national initiative to promote safe use of ladders. Who is authorized to give certificate for any type of ladders like Telescopic ladder , Portable Ladders , Loft access ladder , step ladder , Frame ladder , Decorating ladders , Telestep / Tele step , Aluminium ladder, cheap ladders , Bargain ladders , xtend & Climb ladder, building ladder , laboures ladder or labourers ladders says Beginning on 14 November, the initiative includes a week of events when HSE inspectors will work with ladder users and their employers, look at the current use of ladders and suggest sensible measures to improve safety. During Ladders Week (14 – 18 November) each HSE local office is organising its own events, many in partnership with trade associations, local employers and equipment hire companies. These events include Safety and Health Awareness Days, practical demonstrations of alternative equipment to ladders and breakfast meetings with employers and health and safety professionals. To coincide with Ladders Week, HSE will be producing free guides to help raise awareness of the risks associated with all type ( Telescopic ladders , Portable Ladder , Loft access ladders , step ladders , Frame ladders , Decorating ladder , Telesteps / Tele steps , Aluminium ladders, cheap ladder , Bargain ladder , xtend & Climb ladders, building ladders laboures ladders or labourers ladder ) ladders use and giving advice on how to use them safely.

     Note:  Information in this site was collected from different sources. If anyone owns the content that needs to be removed. Please contact me immediately. Thanks.

Innovative Ladders

 Step Ladders and Telescopic ladders are most useful modernized Ladders:

Telescopic Ladders are probably the world’s most innovative and flexible ladders, and have also been awarded the most prizes. Supremely smooth and easy to use, carry, transport and store. Telescopic Ladders are all incredible ladders in one. All you need to do is pull out your step ladder, step by step, to the length you need to reach comfortably. All ladders are  
         Telescopic ladder , Portable Ladders , Loft access ladder , step ladder , Frame ladder , Decorating ladders , Telestep / Tele step , Aluminium ladder, cheap ladders , Bargain ladders , xtend ladder & Climb ladder, building ladder laboures ladder or labourers ladders Telescopic ladder , Portable Ladders , Loft access ladder , step ladder , Frame ladder , Decorating ladders , Telestep / Tele step , Aluminium ladder, cheap ladders , Bargain ladders , xtend ladder & Climb ladder, building ladder laboures ladder or labourers laddersTelescopic ladder , Portable Ladders , Loft access ladder , step ladder , Frame ladder , Decorating ladders , Telestep / Tele step , Aluminium ladder, cheap ladders , Bargain ladders , xtend ladder & Climb ladder, building ladder laboures ladder or labourers laddersTelescopic ladders , Portable Ladder , Loft access ladders , step ladders , Frame ladders , Decorating ladder , Telesteps / Tele steps , Aluminium ladders, cheap ladder , Bargain ladder , xtend ladders & Climb ladders, building ladders laboures ladders or labourers ladderTelescopic ladders , Portable Ladder , Loft access ladders , step ladders , Frame ladders , Decorating ladder , Telesteps / Tele steps , Aluminium ladders, cheap ladder , Bargain ladder , xtend ladders & Climb ladders, building ladders laboures ladders or labourers ladder
      Step Ladders are also most innovative and flexible ladders, and have also been awarded the most prizes. Stepladder reaches new innovative heights. Incomparably compact for transportation, easy to carry, simply to put up and steady for climbing up. It’s also easy to store when not in use. Pull the ladder out to its full length. Then just unfold both halves of the ladder and start work. The ladder is EN131 approved and complies with European safety.   
Telescopic ladders , Portable Ladder , Loft access ladders , step ladders , Frame ladders , Decorating ladder , Telesteps / Tele steps , Aluminium ladders, cheap ladder , Bargain ladder , xtend ladders & Climb ladders, building ladders laboures ladders or labourers ladder                  Telescopic ladder , Portable Ladders , Loft access ladder , step ladder , Frame ladder , Decorating ladders , Telestep / Tele step , Aluminium ladder, cheap ladders , Bargain ladders , xtend ladder & Climb ladder, building ladder laboures ladder or labourers ladders                      Telescopic ladder , Portable Ladders , Loft access ladder , step ladder , Frame ladder , Decorating ladders , Telestep / Tele step , Aluminium ladder, cheap ladders , Bargain ladders , xtend ladder & Climb ladder, building ladder laboures ladder or labourers ladders

Telescopic Ladders Specification from (Competitive Price)

  • Strong and robust  (Heavy duty / Made from very strong and lightweight anodised aluminum these are a must for everyone that uses ladders.)

  • Easy to use.

  • Folds down to a small compact size - ideal for neat storage or for the car boot

  •  Safely extends from 0.76m to 3.2m

  • Closed length: 0.76m

  • Fully extended length: 3.2m

  • Width: 0.48m

  • Weight: 11kg

  • 3. 2 M Telescopic Extendable Ladders/10.49 ft / 125.98 inches 

  • Available in black and silver colours.

  • Maximum load weight of 150kg

  • Extra wide gripped & angled steps for extra safety


  • Tuv/gs approval, comforming to en 131      

Safty Certificate issuer for Telescopic ladders , Portable Ladder , Loft access ladders , step ladders , Frame ladders , Decorating ladder , Telesteps / Tele steps , Aluminium ladders, cheap ladder , Bargain ladder , xtend ladders & Climb ladders, building ladders laboures ladders or labourers ladder

  • Revolutionary ladders that can be easily carried under the arm and can be extended to different heights up to 3.2m.

  •   Ideal for attic access, internal or external maintenance.

Safety Features Include

                     Angled thumb release mechanism to ensure proper hand position.
                     Non-slip end caps.

                     Integrated carry handle.

                     Heavy-duty closure strap.